Know Types Of Search Engine Optimization

The 20th century people very well know how to solve a problem by searching and investigating it online and so to help the latest generation people there are billions of different websites around the web and the SEO plays a major role in keeping your website at top by search engine so as to maintain a good rank in search engine view one should use proper and allot of keywords and should make sure that the website is highly influential. Being the youth knowing the importance of website in our daily life they are billions and billions of website for one single thing an all of them are equally useful but search engine sets priority based on the similar keywords or efficiency of the website and duration of a websites so it is important for an individual who maintains a website to follow certain rules and regulations for good and prolonged outcomes.

Further they are mainly three different types of seo’s and they are:

  • White Hat Seo
  • Grey Hat Seo
  • Black Hat Seo

Now let’s begin to get into the details of each one of the following.


1) White Hat Seo: This mainly that type of service engine optimization that follows the rule set by the search engine and hence will not have a rapid growth but will continuously have a consecutive growth and hence one should follow this for a long achievements and white hat seo actually is the most stable and recommended type of seo as the search engine always prefer the website which are working according to their terms and conditions.

2) Black Hat Seo: Well this type of seo is completely opposite of what white hat seo is it may show rapid growth but they are further dangerous consequences like the search engine might block your website and that will lead to sudden heavy loss and it is might never suggested as it might even lead to you to end up at jail due to copy rights and commission and many other reasons.

3) Grey Hat Seo: This mainly comprises of 95% white hat seo and 5% of black seo and though this is not actually recommended but you can use this technique after a prolonged less ranking on your website but also you should make sure that it is not using allot of black hat seo as it is risky way of growth